TechnologyAddressing the ever changing complexity of Cyber Liability
You are a forward thinker. You need a forward thinking advisor working on your behalf as you innovate new platforms, software, and medical technology.
Our Risk Management staff collaborates with industry recognized experts to provide cutting-edge solutions to your unique insurance and risk management needs.
The ever changing complexity of Cyber Liability presents challenges to business owners of technology based companies as no two Cyber Liability policies are the same. A thorough review and explanation of the intricacies of your cyber liability exposures by one of our professionals will give you the tools to make the best informed decisions to protect your business.

We are one of the industry leading firms for electronic monitoring coverage across the country. Our technology team, lead by Jason Quinn, has decades of experience creating customized insurance policies and products for electronic monitoring companies. Our products include coverage for companies that offer:
- Probation & Parole Services
- House Arrest
- Restraining Orders & Rehabilitation Monitoring
- Voice Verification
- RF Monitoring
- GPS Monitoring
- Alcohol Monitoring